2025-03-02 03 WHOOPS

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i forgot to write here last month!!! hopefully this makes up for it... i wanted to write one thing for each month but like march 2nd is basically february 30th anyways.

so i did FAWM solo this year! so did jay but i think she only did a few songs since she got sick + was very very busy with work this year - that's alright, she still produced bangers and i am very proud of her. i did four more than the required 18, but only one and a half of those really count (a song fragment called Whirley's Coming! inspired by my hyperfixation on PopCap games at present, and an instrumental demo called Marvingaye that i was to add words to but never dod) so it's more like 16 i guess. the other two were completely improvised after i got a servicable setup for micing my guitar and vocals at the same time.

the next tape will likely be my last before the first album - i want the tracklist to be a mix of stuff from the three demo tapes + what i put out on august demo, as well as maybe some new stuff if i come up with anything between finishing out of focus and hitting the studio. i think this give mes me about 2 hours of material to pick from in full, which is MORE than enough since i was planning on it maybe being a 12-song LP as was the style of the times decades ago.

oh yeah, also march demo is available for preorder now! i'm working on a video for ESCAPE FROM NOISE!!! right now but no one knows that yet except for alex. i am very very proud of how this EP came out - i kinda wanna do a compilation CD of the two EPs at some point but we'll see, i wanna have a bonus track or two on it since there's a few cool things i've done that weren't on there which i still stand by enough to throw on as goodies. plus i mean, march demo was sequenced down to 7 songs from nearly 24, i've got more than enough leftovers haha

we're out of printer paper i think, but i wanna have a physical list of stuff i wanna do for the next tape. maybe i'll bust out the green composition book for this, i did lyrical doodles in it a long time ago but also wrote down idas for stuff and i feel like it would be fitting to write it in that... if i can find it. actually let me get up and look

i got up and found it and immediately forgot what i was supposed to do and went to bed, so it's the third now! and by forgot what i was supposed to do i mean i wrote down 13 songs i wanna record and actually did one of them so i did exactly what i was supposed to do and a little more. the recording is a new version of Mirrorball of octemple fame - it's a little rough so i might retrack the vocal later but it's fiiiiine... for now at least. msot of the songs are old ones but there's a few new things in the list that i wanna retrack too.

i forget what the moral of the story is. don't stay up until 2 am recording pop songs??? seems pretty wise


Smashy Claw - My Ancient Head

The Beach Boys - Barnyard Suite (Anonymuse mix)

Big Fun - Rubberband

The Apples in Stereo - Questions & Answers

Bomb the Music Industry! - The first Time I Met Sanawon